Welcome to the Evangelist Training Series

Dear Friends,

Welcome to the Evangelist Training Ministry, where we equip everyday Christians to share the gospel and launch new faith communities in everyday places and spaces.

Embark with us on a mission that goes beyond the church doors—become an everyday missionary with the Texas District Evangelist training! Ever wished your friends, family, and coworkers could experience the love of Jesus but felt uncertain about making that connection? You’re not alone.

Imagine being equipped to bring the Gospel where they are, whether it’s at work, school, or in your neighborhood. The Barna study reveals that your loved ones may be more open to spirituality than you think, with over 75% believing in God and 70% expressing a desire to grow spiritually. The only hitch? Many are hesitant to step into a church.

What if you could bridge that gap? The Texas District Evangelist training is not just about becoming an evangelist; it’s a call to transform you into an everyday missionary. Picture yourself launching faith communities and startups that reach those who wouldn’t typically enter a church. What if you were the missionary they needed?

In this 8-session training, you’ll gain the tools to make disciples who make disciples. You’ll discover how to launch ministries that resonate with people seeking Jesus but might not seek Him in a traditional church setting. And the best part? You don’t need to be a pastor or a professional—this is for the everyday Christian ready to step into mission.

Don’t settle for the frustration of watching your loved ones miss out on Jesus’ love and grace. Be the catalyst for change. Learn how to be the church in a way that connects people to Jesus and sends them to do the same. The perfect person for this mission in your everyday life is—you!

~ Deaconess Noemí Guerra, Districtwide Evangelist Development Leader

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An evangelist is a person who is reaching out to new people with the Gospel, is trained by the district or by a local ministry according to district-established or mutually agreed upon training guidelines, and is not an ordained or commissioned minister of the LCMS.

Texas District Evangelist Trainers

Lead Trainer, Area A

Lead Trainer, Area B

Evangelist Development Ministry Support Specialist

Lead Trainer, Area B

Lead Trainer, Area C

Lead Trainer- Spanish Area C

Lead Trainer, Area D

Lead Trainer – Spanish Area D

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