Church Door

We cannot guarantee if these items are still available. Please contact the individual directly to confirm availability.

If you want to submit an item to Church Door, please email a description, picture, cost, and way to contact you to

Piano – FREE to Congregation

Jim Binneboese from Lutheran Laymen’s League has a Wurlitzer 40” spinet in very good condition.  It was recently tuned and is free to a congregation in need. If you are interested, please get in touch with Jim at

Barco Projectors – FREE

Bethany Lutheran in South Austin has two Barco RLSW12 projectors to re-home at no charge, and they are in good working order.  The lenses can throw at least 40 feet.  Mounts not included.  If interested, email David Angerman at

FREE Pipe Organ

A free pipe organ is available from Evangelists’ Lutheran Church in Kingsbury, Texas. The only expense is packing and transporting the organ. If interested, contact Pastor David Truenow at or 830-281-0984.

Altar Cross and Processional Cross

 Contact Pastor Richard E. Kurth – or (216) 402-3674.

Does Your Congregation Need Pews?

King of Kings is renovating their sanctuary.  There are 30 pews available, 22’ long, with hymnal racks and kneelers.  The pews are being dismantled and all parts labeled.  If you are interested you need to schedule picking up the pews. Pictures of pews can be viewed HERE.

Address: 13888 Dreamwood Dr., San Antonio, TX 78233.  Office phone:  210-656-6508

Four Tapers/Candlelighters

Four tapers/candlelighters at Trinity Dime Box are available. Call or text (254) 368-0261 if interested.

Christ Lutheran Church, Johnson City – Church Furnishings

Items available include an altar, pulpit, lectern, font, and pews. Interested? Please get in touch with Mr. Jey Ping:

Faith, Andrews Miscellaneous Congregation Items

Faith Lutheran Church in Andrews celebrated its final divine service. It is now giving away miscellaneous items. Please click below to see what is available:

If you are interested in any of these items please email Rev. Lincon Guerra or Pastor Bob Pase

Hope, Winnie – Copies of Lutheran Worship

Hope Lutheran in Winnie has 50 copies of Lutheran Worship. They are free to a good home. They will need to be picked up or shipping paid. Contact Cindi Kroll at for more information.

TLH Hymnals—FREE

St. Mark Lutheran Church in Waco, TX has about 75 TLH hymnals that we are no longer using.  If anyone would like them they are free to a good home, but they would need to be picked up or shipping charges would need to be paid by the recipient.  If interested, please email or call 254-754-0644 to check for availability and shipping charges.

Baptismal Font—FREE

Water of Life Lutheran Church in Forney, TX has a baptismal font free to any church that needs one.  The font is six-sided, wooden, with some wear and tear (see attached photos).  An interested party would need to make arrangements for pickup or delivery.  If interested, please contact Terri Shambaugh at