Texas District Office of School Ministry

Dr. Bill Hinz
Director of School Ministry

Lee Gaines
Executive Assistant

Karen Gerdes
Roster Assistant
School Ministry
Phone: 512-926-4272 extension 226
Fax: 512-926-1006
Toll Free: 1-800-951-3478
Welcome to the Texas District Office of School Ministry! Our ministry includes Early Childhood Programs, Elementary Schools, and High Schools.
Every day in our Lutheran Schools and Early Childhood Centers our students and young children experience the love of Jesus through teachers who are dedicated to helping them build their lives on the foundation of Jesus Christ. Each child will be guided to develop his/her individual abilities, strengths, and interests.
Lutheran Schools and Early Childhood Centers in the Texas District are led by outstanding leaders, and dedicated teachers that desire their students to grow in their faith, knowing and trusting Jesus as Savior and Lord; and grow in developing the great gifts that God has given to each one. Each student is highly valued by God. Each student is highly valued by their teachers. Each student is of abundant worth and created with vast potential for a great purpose.