Church Planter
Is there anything more exciting than bringing the Gospel to people who do not know Jesus?
Are you being encouraged to plant a church?
Is the Lord leading you to become a church planter of the Texas District?
If your answer is ‘yes’ to all three questions above, it may be time to begin the assessment process to discover your aptitude for church planting.
Assessment Process
1. Seek God’s Word and pray about His will for you.
2. Speak and pray with others, including the local Mission and Ministry Facilitator, about this possibility. His recommendation will be needed if you decide you would like to be assessed.
3. Listen to what God is saying to you through His Word and feedback other believers are offering. If the conversations affirm your thoughts, you are sensing a call to be a church planter.
4. Now, you’re ready to request a recommendation from your Mission and Ministry Facilitator and complete and submit the Texas District Church Planter Assessment Application to the Office of the President.