“Those who had been scattered preached the word wherever they went.” Acts 8:4
Here, we see the aftermath of Stephen’s martyrdom. Stephen, one of the early deacons in the church, faced death by stoning because of his fearless witness for Jesus. This tragedy sparked intense persecution against the church in Jerusalem, forcing many believers to scatter to the regions of Judea and Samaria while the apostles remained in Jerusalem.
What’s amazing is how these early Christians responded to the persecution. Instead of being silenced, these lay people saw it as an opportunity to spread their faith. They preached the Word wherever they went, and it was a crucial turning point in the expansion of the Christian church.
These lay Christians became missionaries in their new locations, spreading the message of Jesus wherever they went. And their example of preaching “wherever they went” is a powerful reminder for us today.
God also calls you and me to preach the Word wherever we go, bringing Jesus to our neighborhoods, workplaces, schools, and homes. To talk about Jesus in everyday conversations and through our actions. To be a witness for Christ wherever we go.
In response to this call, the LCMS Task Force has emphasized the need for renewed dedication to lay training and the role of evangelists within our church. The Texas District embraces this call, working to equip baptized believers to preach the Word wherever we go.
The 2013 Resolution 4-06A Task Force Report made two key recommendations:
Recommendation 7: District lay training programs are to be commended with thanksgiving for the many willing lay servants who seek further theological education and desire to serve in various capacities in their congregations. The task force recommends that a major emphasis in lay training programs be placed on the role of evangelist and the task of outreach in the increasingly diverse and challenging world of the U.S.
Recommendation 8: In conjunction with recommendation 7, the task force recommends that congregations and districts be encouraged to identify individuals for special training in and attention to evangelism. As individuals are identified, we encourage congregations and districts to facilitate their training both through existing synodical efforts and programs and in special, intensive training through district lay programs.
In the Texas District, we have made available a districtwide lay training program called Evangelist Training for the many willing lay servants who seek further theological education and desire to serve in various capacities preaching the Word wherever we go, with an emphasis “on the role of evangelist and the task of outreach in the increasingly diverse and challenging world of the U.S.”
We are in the process of identifying individuals for this unique training. Is God calling YOU to be an Evangelist and to share Jesus wherever you go?
For more information about the Texas District Evangelist Training Ministry, click here: https://txlcms.org/evangelisttrainingseries/
We equip everyday Christians to share the gospel and launch new faith communities in everyday places and spaces.
By Deaconess Noemi Guerra
Districtwide Evangelist Development Ministry Leader