Mission Day
November 20, 2024
Join Us for Texas District Mission Day – November 20, 2024
Because of your prayers and support, new pathways to faith in Jesus are being opened up for new people throughout Texas through our missionaries.
We invite you to participate in a special day of giving and celebration as the Texas District hosts Mission Day on November 20th. This day is dedicated to supporting local missions and advancing the Gospel across Texas. Through your generosity, we can start new churches, reach underserved communities with the love of Christ, and equip leaders for ministry.
Together, we can make a lasting impact on Christ’s kingdom in Texas. Spread the word to your friends, family, coworkers, and congregation, and join us in this shared mission. Every gift given on Mission Day will directly fuel our efforts to reach more people with the love and hope of Jesus.
Mark your calendar for November 20 and donate and help make an eternal difference. Every dollar of your gift goes towards mission work in the Texas District.