Where do we find more workers for the harvest (Luke 10:2)? How do we find those who are willing to plant new congregations? The seminaries of the LCMS are one of those places.
By the grace of God, congregations in Texas have planted more than 160 congregations since 2004. Six of our church planters (three at each seminary) had the opportunity at St. Louis and Ft. Wayne to share what has been learned over the years. Over 70 people signed up to attend.
The Texas panelists and I shared the biblical motivation for church planting as well as the huge opportunities we have in Texas, where only about one out of four people are committed Christians. Also shared were some of the mechanics of church planting—the “3 P’s of church planting”—right person, place, and plan—along with our funding model for new starts.
Panelists emphasized the on-the-ground, front-line nature of church planting—in the Texas District, church planting is something congregations do, with the district’s help, not something that the district typically does independently. The planters were also able to share their own successes and challenges, with words of encouragement for the seminary students to consider their own place in a church planting movement.
What is your congregation’s role in planting a new congregation? Who are you encouraging to be involved in a church planting movement?
By Jon Braunersreuther, D. Min.
Director of Districtwide Strategy
Mission Strategist—Area D