Texas District Evangelist Training: Building Spiritual Wells, Offering the Living Water of Jesus
“But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again. It becomes a fresh, bubbling spring within them, giving them eternal life.” — John 4:14
In John 4, we see something incredible: Jesus goes out of His way to seek out a Samaritan woman at a well. She wasn’t looking for Him, but He was looking for her. Amid her daily routine, Jesus meets her, fully aware of her past and pain, and offers her something far greater than physical water: living water that leads to eternal life. This moment wasn’t just about quenching physical thirst; it was about Jesus seeking her out, meeting her in her brokenness, and offering hope, forgiveness, and new life.
Today, He is still looking for the lost, thirsty, disconnected, and burdened. He invites us to join in His mission by building spiritual wells where He can meet others and offer His life-giving grace.
Why Join?
Our world is full of people who are spiritually thirsty. Many aren’t stepping into churches, but they are spiritually thirsty. Through the Evangelist Training Ministry, you can learn how to be part of Jesus’ ongoing work by building what we call “spiritual wells”—places where He meets people in their everyday lives. Whether in your workplace, a park, or even over a cup of coffee at your kitchen table, you can help create spaces where Jesus does what He can do: offer living water to those around you.
You don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to be willing. Jesus does the work; He seeks. He meets. He transforms. We join in His mission, pointing people to the One who offers true life.
What You’ll Gain
- Confidence to Build Spiritual Wells
You’ll learn how to start by meeting tangible needs. Maybe it’s offering a listening ear, praying for someone, or sharing a meal. Just like Jesus began with a simple request for water, you’ll discover how ordinary moments can open doors to share about the hope we have in Him. - Skills to Have Meaningful Spiritual Conversations
Bringing up faith can feel intimidating, but with training, you’ll gain the confidence to engage in meaningful conversations. You’ll learn how to listen well, empathize, and gently share about Jesus in a way that feels natural. - The Joy of Inviting Others to ‘Come and See’
After meeting Jesus, the Samaritan woman didn’t keep her encounter to herself. She ran back to her community, inviting them to “come and see.” Many believed because of her testimony. That’s what we get to do—invite others to come and meet Jesus, the One who seeks and saves.
Ready to Take the Next Step?
Jesus is actively seeking those who are lost and disconnected. He meets people in their brokenness and offers them living water. Now, He invites you to help build spiritual wells—places where He can meet others and change their lives forever.
So, are you ready to join us? We can’t wait to welcome you!
The Texas District Evangelist Training Ministry exists to equip everyday Christians to share the gospel and launch new faith communities in everyday places and spaces.
For more information about the Texas District Evangelist Training Ministry, click here https://txlcms.org/evangelisttrainingseries/