God has blessed the mission and ministry of the Texas District from its beginning to the present time. I am convinced that His blessing will continue in the future.
Over the years God has raised up some very strong missionaries to serve in Texas. These missionaries were and are heroes of the faith who we remember and celebrate today.
The thought came to me about whether one of these missionaries could be called “The Greatest Missionary.” Many names of those I’ve read about came flooding into my mind, but it didn’t take long for me to say none of them was the greatest missionary.
God sought out Adam and Eve after they sinned. God promised forgiveness and sent prophets, teachers and leaders to live out God’s love and share it with others. God, from the beginning, was a missionary wanting redemption for the whole world.
As you celebrate Christmas, celebrate our God as “The Greatest Missionary” because He sent His only Son to save the world from sin and division. Jesus, born in Bethlehem, would die and be raised from the dead so that we would be one with God again. Our missionary God has also sent us to share this Good News with one another. Our loving and forgiving God is “The Greatest Missionary!”
I, along with my staff in the president’s office, send to each of you our Christmas greetings.
By: Rev. Ken Hennings
President, LCMS Texas District