A key component to the call process is the Pastor Profile Survey. The Pastor Profile Survey can be completed either and preferably electronically, or it may be completed by paper. If by paper, the call committee is to input the data electronically from the hard copy. A unique web address will be created by the area mission and ministry facilitator (MMF) for the calling congregation. That web address will then be given to the congregation for local distribution. The paper version will also be made available for downloading at that time.

Taking usually twenty to thirty minutes to complete, this survey asks members of the congregation to describe their desire for the priorities and leadership skills of a pastor as well as indicating the types of ministry opportunities that are available in the congregation and in the community. In addition, opinions on a variety of other issues are also solicited in this survey.

Upon completion of the survey, the responses of the congregation are reported by the area MMF to the congregation. It is critical for the ministry of the calling congregation to approach this effort in prayer and solemnity as this report will not only assist the district president in developing the call list for the congregation but it will be used by the call committee as they review the call list. This report will also help congregation members determine whether or not a pastor that they know would be a good addition for the call list.

This is only one component of the information gathering phase of the calling process but it is one that is important, involving the majority of the members of the calling congregation.